Good and Lovely Camelot
Shown at the 2003 Copley Masters Invitational Show, Copley Society, Boston Massachusetts, this tryptic mounted collection pairs the artist’s Good and Lovely color palette with the three life stages of American icon, Jackie Kennedy. In the artist’s own words about this work and its subject, “it tells the story of her life without words. She started in white, peaked in pink, ended in black.” “Camelot” debuted in the artist’s 2001 art show “Good and Lovely, featuring element of “attraction” all painted in black and white with a medium hue of pink. Each piece (3 separate paintings installed together in gold frame) maintains a singular expression, setting light backgrounds against dark, both heavily influenced by Andy Warhol’s posterization process. Lovely adds on the subject of storytelling and history, “If I could write I would, but I tell stories in paint.”
Dimensions: 10H x 24W | Medium: Oil on Linen
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